Monday, February 4, 2008

Article Marketig: are we being duped about this over-hyped topic?

Article Marketig: are we being duped about this over-hyped topic?

Everyone wants to have their website on the first page of the major search engines, of course. People who promote and sell article marketig products certainly want to keep the engine fueled.

Do your own research on article marketig like I did. The numbers just don't match what people are telling you. Submit your article to the article directories. Wait a week or two and see how you are doing? Are other websites picking up your article? Probably so.

Now check on the quality of those websites. Then check to see if your author bio has its links active. Check carefully because they may LOOK like they are hot but often they are not. You will also be surprised by how many of these crummy sites don't even have your name as the author.

There are other good ways to use articles to promote your website. I will go into those next time.

Greg Cryns is the owner of Domain Country and

Wahm Search Engine