Friday, February 4, 2011

A few Twitter tips for businesses

Picture taken by Greg Cryns at Ocean Beach, CA.

I read a lot of stuff about how Twitter can be used as a marketing tool. I've seen Twitter work for a few people, but for most of us, well, just refrain. Here is a nice article about how Twitter can be used for worthwhile purposes.

Top Five Twitter Tips For Business (With A Healthy Dose of Skepticism)

eMarketer recently reported that many of the smallest businesses in the United
States don’t believe that their customers can be marketed to on social
networking sites.

Yet research also shows that social sites are being used to find local
businesses, especially by younger customers.

So how should a small business approach Twitter? These are my top tips:

Three Do’s:

1. Do Use It For Research, Not Just Marketing
You’re probably already using Google News Alerts to keep up with the latest on
your clients and areas of expertise (if you’re not, you should be!)

Twitter is great for tapping into the chatter on these things too. Apps like
Tweetdeck and Hootsuite allow you to set up search columns which automatically
display the most recent tweets on any subject of your choice. See the latest
buzz, and keep an eye on the competition!

2. Do Time Your Tweets
92% of retweets occur within the first hour. So the time at which your tweets
go out is pretty important.

Think about the “peak viewing time” of your target audience(s) – are they
business people or busy moms? Which time zones are they in?

Use an application such as Hootsuite to send out your pre-written tweets at
optimal times. You can send out the same tweet more than once to hit different
markets, but don’t continuously recycle the same message – you’ll get flagged
for spam.

3. Do Track Your Results
Any tweet that you want to bring traffic to your website, generate sales or
leads, etc. must contain a clickable link (too many folks forget to include this
call to action and lose out on opportunities).

It’s really important to track what you’re doing to evaluate results – you want
to know what types of tweets work for you, and what times of day are best to
send them.

So, you also want to keep an eye on your Web traffic reports to evaluate your
Twitter success. Do visitors from Twitter mostly leave your site immediately,
or do they produce the outcomes that you want?

Since you’re restricted to 140 characters, using a free URL shortening service
like is very helpful – and it also gives you automatic click-through
tracking for every link.

And Two Don’ts:

4. Don’t Be Seduced By Big Numbers
It’s a wonderful ego boost to have hundreds or thousands of followers. In fact,
Peter Shankman recently referred to this as “the new penis envy!”

But bear in mind that lots of people follow you because they expect you to
follow them back as the accepted convention. So they don’t necessarily care
that much about what you write . . .

Notice who does respond or retweet your postings and celebrate your loyal
followers. Just remember that quantity doesn’t guarantee quality on Twitter.

5. Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations
A recent survey found that over 70% of tweets get no response at all, and an
average of only 6% are retweeted.

Think about it – how many people are you following? How many tweets do you
actively read every day, let alone click on any links, retweet or reply . . .

Of course, it only takes one response that’s exactly the right one to make a
huge impact on your business.

But don’t expect every tweet that you send to be life (or business) changing!

© 2010, Philippa Gamse. Reprint rights granted so long as the article and
byline are reprinted intact and all links made live.

Philippa Gamse, CMC is a web strategy pioneer, consultant and speaker who has
critiqued over 5,000 websites in North America and Europe. To learn more about
how Philippa can improve your website results visit and while you're there check out her popular web
strategy audio guides at 

Greg Cryns
Work At Home Profiles


  1. I am very happy that you are tackling this topic. Most companies need to learn a bit more about Twitter before they use it any more. It is a mess for many companies, especially small ones.

  2. Really, You choose a great topic. I think, every business need some advertisement. It’s really important to track what you’re doing to evaluate results – you want to know what types of tweets work for you, and what times of day are best to
    send them.
    work at home
