You can specify which device type you want to target including iPhone and iPod Touch, Android and Palm WebOS.
In addition "the ad will display a 'Download' link instead of a URL" according to Google.
Other sources that speak to this:
New targeting options for mobile ads (Katrina Kurnit/Inside AdWords)
- Katrina Kurnit / Inside AdWords: New targeting options for mobile ads — If you've chosen to show ads on iPhones and other mobile devices with full internet browsers, you can now target specific mobile devices or carriers.
- Google Now Targets Mobile Ads (and App Download Links) By Device
- You can target Google mobile ads by location, but now Google is opening up two new targeting options for mobile ads running through AdWords. Ads shown on a mobile browser can now target by mobile device or by carrier.
New targeting options for mobile ads
Greg Cryns
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