Sunday, December 21, 2008

Opportunity is all around us

I've been a fan of Guy Kawasaki
since I stumbled across a video of Guy giving a speech about his early days at Apple computer.

Guy described how he made his "$3.5 billion mistake" when he turned down the offer from a fledgling company known as Yahoo to be its CEO. Guy said their offices were too far from home and he wanted more time with his family. He didn't know at the time, of course, what would happen to Yahoo.

I've heard many people saying that a good opportunity is a rare commodity. I don't agree. I think great opportunities are all around us all day long especially if you stay tuned to what is happening on the Internet and use the Internet to create a career for yourself.

I guess it depends on what you would call a "great opportunity." For some people it means making "massive amounts of money." If I could get a $1 Million salary for a job standing on a highway holding one of those signs at a construction site that tells drivers when to drive on, then I have taken advantage of a great opportunity?

Is becoming a stock broker who makes $5 million a year a great opportunity? Perhaps so, to some. Not for me.

If I could get a novel published I would consider that a great opportunity. It opens a door for me. Or maybe getting recognized by some powerful people about a blog entry I made. Perhaps opportunity is not at all about making money.

Opportunity is everywhere. Keep your eyes and ears open.

If you are a blogger, here is an opportunity for you to read a real gem posted by Problogger today. Read it and be enlightened:

Greg Cryns
Work at home Profiles

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