Thursday, February 19, 2009

Avoid Lending Tree or get spammed

I contacted Lending Tree to obtain quotes for my mortgage refinance about six months ago. Supposedly I would get three quotes.

After 15 phone calls from mortgage brokers from across the country I realized this company pulled a fast one on both me and the mortgage brokers who use their service. I wasted my time with the brokers. They wasted their time with me. Lending Tree wasted not time collecting their fees, I am sure.

I received another call from a broker last week. Frankly, I felt sorry for the fellow who probably paid Lending Tree a hefty fee to get my lead. He did not know, of course, that I had already refinanced a while back.

Today I read an interesting post at BuzzBlog by Paul McNamara. He reported that you cannot close your Lending Tree account even when you ask them politely. When told it was a matter of law (?) he asked if they would simply close the doors so people could not crack into their system and steal his personal information. Lending Tree closed the door on him. They did not budge.

Moral of the story? If you are looking for a mortgage loan, do not call Lending Tree for assistance. You will be spammed mercilessly for a long time. But more importantly, this is a lesson about giving your information to anyone for anything on the Internet.

Be alert and be cautious out there, friends.

Photo credit: David Trattnig

Greg Cryns
The Mighty Mo Website Design and SEO Promotion
All About Paso Robles

1 comment:

  1. Damn that Lending Tree!!! Why can't it be more like The Giving Tree?!
