Saturday, February 21, 2009

SEO - change is in the air, be ready


SEO Changes - Are Your Sales Dropping as Your SEO Rankings "Soar high?"

Some claim that SEO is dead. John Alexander, the founder of Search Engine Workshops, disagrees and so do I. Rather than dying, Search Engine Optimization needs to rethink and rework. We should not be surprised since the Internet changes daily.

The warning goes like this: your search engine placement is still high but your sales are declining. What happened? Did your webmaster fail you?

Read more:

Search Engine Optimization has many more factors to consider. Recently Google introduced SearchWiki which has the potential to turn the SEO world on its head by personal search results based on your personal search habits.

Check out this illuminating article: Personalization of Search and its implications for SEO

Advanced competitive intelligence is something you need to learn now before the search world passes you by.

Greg Cryns
The Mighty Mo! website design and SEO promotion

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